Thursday 30 April 2009

Calling all Tech's

Do you have something to say?

I am writing a feature for a consumer fashion magazine about…… yes you guessed it 


It will be a four part article aimed at our clients and I would like to feature the best from our industry, who have something to say about this industry. It’s important to remember this feature is designed to target the clients (not other nail technicians), if you can answer any one of the following questions, please send them to me at;  Please include your full name, address of salon and telephone number.

 1.       How do you help your clients to stop biting their nails! – I am looking for hints and tips that a client can do at home, which doesn’t including throwing on a set of acrylics.  What would you say to the clients, can they use a magic product, do you know any alternative therapies that work.

2.       Looking after your hands this winter – what are your favourite products to sell to your clients, for them to maintain their manicures. (remember this is for a consumer magazine, so the clients need to find them in the high street, or through the net, can you include these details.)

3.       The funniest questions/weirdest you have been asked by a client – can you include your answers too.

4.       How do you explain the difference between gel and acrylic to a new client.

5.       I am looking for clients, who are your best clients and what have they got to say about the industry and nails.  Can you forward this email to them?

I will credit every quote I use, and will let you know when the feature is published.  The feature should start in September, but my deadline is June.  If your unable to help me and know someone who can please forward this email on.  I really appreciate all your input. 

any idea's ......quotes....and anecdotes.....welcome!

1 comment:

verolee williams said...

i know of this product that work it was from orly its called no bite worked for a lot of my friends